How To Stop A Wooden Rocking Chair From Squeaking?

Rocking chairs can be relaxation spots in any home, but when they start to squeak, they quickly become a nuisance. Wooden rocking chairs are especially prone to squeaking sounds. The creaks and squeaks can be caused by many factors, including wobbling joints or loose bolts, and over time they can become quite unbearable.

However, this doesn’t mean that you need to toss your rocking chair out the window, throwing away any potential sources of comfort. In this blog post, we will guide you through a comprehensive process of stopping a wooden rocking chair from squeaking, whether it is an antique heirloom or a modern rocking chair.

Step 1: Identify the source of the squeak

How To Stop A Wooden Rocking Chair From Squeaking

The first step in fixing a squeaking wooden rocking chair is to identify the source of the squeak. Often, the cause of the squeak is worn-out joints or loose bolts. You can do this by sitting in the chair, gently rocking it back and forth, and listening to the noise.

Once you’ve determined where the squeak is originating from, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Tighten loose bolts

Tightening loose bolts is one of the easiest ways to stop a rocking chair from squeaking. To do this, you will need a wrench or screwdriver. Check all the bolts, including the ones that connect the legs to the base, and tighten any loose ones you find. If this doesn’t stop the squeak, you may need to add some lubrication to the joints.

Step 3: Add lubrication to joints

In some cases, the joints in a wooden rocking chair may squeak because of friction caused by a lack of lubrication. You can solve this by applying lubricant to the joints. There are many types of lubricants you can use, including oil or wax.

Whichever lubricant you choose, make sure it is suitable for wooden surfaces. Apply a small amount of the lubricant on the joint or pivot point and work it in, and then test the chair to see if the squeaks have stopped.

Step 4: Sand and Refinish

How To Stop A Wooden Rocking Chair From Squeaking

If none of the above steps work, the cause of the squeak may be due to a worn-out joint or pivot point. In this case, you will need to sand and refinish the affected area. This is a more involved process and may require the expertise of a professional.

Begin by sanding the affected area with a fine-grit sandpaper. Once you have a smooth surface, apply a wood sealer, and finish with paint or varnish.

Step 5: Practice proper maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial in preventing squeaks in a wooden rocking chair. This includes regularly tightening bolts, cleaning and lubricating joints, and checking for signs of wear and tear. It is essential to take care of your rocking chair, so it will last for many years to come.]

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Reasons Why A Wooden Rocking Chair Squeaking?

  • The wood is dry and needs to be moisturized.
  • The joints are loose and need to be tightened.
  • The rocking chair is old and needs to be replaced.
  • The rocking chair was not made properly and needs to be fixed.
  • There is something caught in the rocking chair that is causing it to squeak.

Types of Wooden Rocking Chairs

1. Traditional Rocking Chairs

Traditional rocking chairs are the most common type of rocking chair. They are typically made from wood, and they have a simple design with a curved back and seat. Traditional rocking chairs can be placed in any room in the house, and they are often used as nursery chairs or in living rooms.

2. Glider Rocking Chairs

Glider rocking chairs are similar to traditional rocking chairs, but they have a smoother motion thanks to the addition of gliders on the base of the chair. Glider rocking chairs are often used in nurseries or living rooms, and they can provide a calming effect for both adults and children.

3. Rocking Recliners

Rocking recliners are a type of rocking chair that features a reclining backrest. These chairs are perfect for relaxing in, and they can be placed in any room in the house. Rocking recliners typically have a higher price tag than traditional or glider rocking chairs, but they offer more features and comfort.

4. Outdoor Rocking Chairs

Outdoor rocking chairs are designed for use on porches, decks, or patios. They are typically made from weather-resistant materials such as wicker or teak, and they often feature cushioned seats for added comfort. Outdoor rocking chairs can be a great addition to any outdoor space, and they can provide a place to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

5. Antique Rocking Chairs

Antique rocking chairs are those that were made at least 100 years ago. These chairs can be found at antique stores or online, and they often come with a high price tag. Antique rocking chairs are treasured by collectors and often used as decoration rather than furniture

Lubricate a Rocking Chair

Rocking chairs are classic piece of furniture that can add an element of relaxation to any space. However, over time, the smooth movement of your prized rocking chair may become a little less fluid than it used to be. The solution? Lubrication.

But how exactly do you lubricate a rocking chair?

The first step is to determine the material of your chair. For wooden chairs, natural lubricants such as beeswax or coconut oil work wonders, while you can use silicone or lithium-based lubricants on metal and plastic ones.

Before applying the lubricant, clean the chair thoroughly to remove any debris or dirt that may have accumulated.

Once clean, apply the lubricant to the necessary areas, such as the rocker braces and armrests, and work it into the joints. It’s important to remember to use only a small amount of lubricant to prevent over-soaking and damage to the chair.

Finally, give the chair a gentle test rock to ensure that it’s moving smoothly. With a little bit of effort and care, your rocking chair can be restored to its former glory, and provide you with years of comfortable rocking.

Related Topic: How To Make A Wooden Chair More Comfortable?


A squeaking wooden rocking chair can be an immense source of annoyance. However, it doesn’t mean you need to toss it out or leave it unused. With a little bit of care and maintenance, you can stop the chair from making any creaks or squeaks.

Go through the above list of steps, beginning with identifying the source of the squeak, and follow each step with care. And before you know it, your wooden rocking chair will be back to being your go-to spot for relaxation in your home.


How to stop a rocking chair from rocking?

If you’ve ever sat in a rocking chair only to find out that the constant rocking can be quite nauseating, fear not! There are a few simple ways to stop a rocking chair from its constant motion. One way is to place rubber stoppers under each leg to create a grip and prevent the chair from slipping.

Another option is to place a wedge between the rocker and the chair, or even fill the curve of the rocker with a soft material, like foam. Any of these methods can keep your rocking chair stable and prevent you from feeling like you’re on a never-ending boat ride.

How to fix a squeaky upholstered chair?

Do you have a squeaky upholstered chair that’s driving you crazy? Luckily, fixing it is easier than you might think. The first step is to locate the source of the noise – often it’s the metal joints rubbing against each other. Apply a lubricant like WD-40 to the affected area, being careful not to get any on the fabric. If that doesn’t work, try tightening the screws or bolts holding the chair together.

How do you lock a recliner chair?

Locking a recliner chair is easy and essential to ensure maximum comfort and safety. Most recliners have a lever or handle on the side that releases the footrest and allows the chair to recline. To lock the chair, simply push the footrest back down until it clicks into place, securing it in the upright position.

Another type of recliner may have a knob that you turn to lock or unlock it. Whatever type of recliner you have, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and adjust the locking mechanism as needed to prevent accidental reclining.

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